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UPE flange roller

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AMOLED, LCD, TFT, flexible display, UPE wheel series for transmission


Common materials

  • High molecular polyethylene (UPE) (white)
  • Antistatic polymer polyethylene (antistatic UPE) (black)
  • conductive high polymer polyethylene (conductive UPE) (black)

    Mechanical characteristics/thermal characteristics

  • (a). The material is cheap. (b). Recommended operating temperature below 50 °C.
    (c). It has acid and alkali resistance.
    (d). The material is soft and the surface is easily scratched.
    (e). Processing size and stability are not easy to control.
    (f). It is more suitable for environmentally stable transport equipment.

    Electrical Characteristics

  • No antistatic or conductive properties, when rubbed Can produce electrostatic effects. (※ resistance value 1014 Ω or more)